Tuesday, 10 May 2011

I.F. - Beginner

How do? 
This week I have dug out the ink pen I bought with good intentions many moons ago. Anyone who knows me will know that I have a love for line work, and really get excited about the works of the likes of Quentin Blake, Rackham and E.H. Shepard. Unfortunatly, I am power mad and superbly over bearing on my own line work, working with a tiny brush and ink, ensuring complete and obsessive control over EVERY LINE!
'NOT THIS WEEK!' I thought to myself and armed with an impulsive and decidedly disobedient ink pen, I have had a go at a style I would like to experiment with more. Admittedly it took much more paper and patience to get an image I am happyish with, but persistence is my middle name!...and by the 5th attempt my old militant methods started to sneak back...gosh darn it! 'Back fiend! Back I say!!!'

Needa hows, here is my image for 'Beginner' for the Friday Illustration, the little chap doesn't seem too fussed that he got snagged whilst out partaking in a spot of Cheese-Thievery...

Any advice/ criticism on this one would be great! In this style, like a little mouse learning to pilfer dairy products, I too am very much a beginner!


Have a great week chaps,

Nats x


  1. This is so sweet, nice illustration!

  2. I don't think you're a beginner at all. This is absolutely pro! The faded colours and cartoony style are very like Quentin Blake's, in fact. Love everything I'm seeing here :)

    PS: Is the mouse supposed to be decapitated? I hope not :(

  3. I really like this, especially his expression. Well done.

  4. heh heh .. that'll be Nats and her love of elongated knecks.. I think a little mouse colour may well be needed in the kneck area :)
