Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Illustration Friday : Lesson

Life Lesson 1

Morning! The sun is shining, the world is round and I spent yesterday drawing and painting is good. 

I interpreted this weeks 'lessons' theme as 'sibling lessons'; Older siblings trying to impart knowledge on the too eager and unwilling to listen young'uns.  I am sure my brother and sister will sympathise, 
even now... 
But thankfully they have not given up on me yet! 

No monsters were harmed in the making of this image, unless they got tummy ache from all the chocolate I had to use to bribe them to stay still long enough to draw them. 

Righto Chaps, back to work....
Hope you all have a spiffing week,

Nats x


  1. Love the combination of grey and color, and monsters make me happy!

  2. Love this! Very very cute. Looking forward to more.
